Happy Family Health Care and Research Association is a Non-Governmental, Voluntary Organization registered with the Government of Uttrakhand under Society Registration Act 21, 1860. The Association is Working in the field of Health (Awareness, Immunization, Reproductive and Child Health, Organization of Specialized Medical Camps in remote Hill areas, Provision of subsidized Health Care facilities to the backward and Poor sections of Society, Health Education, HIV and other communicable disease prevention, Outsourcing of Medical & Paramedical Personnel) and Disability (Particularly welfare of the Mentally Challenged Persons) for last two decades, in Northern India in general, Uttrakhand in particular in order to address the different Dimensions of this Social Problem. The Services are extended in the spheres such as Education (Informal & Formal), Vocational Training, Development & Up gradation of Social and Cultural skills among the challenged persons, Research and free distribution of Assisted Devices to the needy. The Association is raised by a dedicated team of young Enthusiastic Medical Professionals, Educationalists, Social Workers, Philanthropists and Social Activists with a mission approach to work in the field of Community health, facilitated by value based vision, clarity and quality in its endeavour. Happy Family Health Care and Research Association under a dynamic, & exemplary leadership, fortified with sincere conviction supported by a committed multidisciplinary team desires to expand its horizon of activities in to a wide spectrum of fields, further to serve the Country and Globe.